Welcome. I'm Dr Pompa, but more about me in just a moment.
What's more important is how I ended up here, even teaching this information for almost 20 years to doctors around the country, around the world.
Well, look, first of all, I wanna say this right off the bat.
I was you…
I was the guy looking for answers going… “What is wrong with me?”
I started with just general fatigue.
It went into brain fog and then it ends up in anxiety.
Then I can't sleep right?
Or even if I do, I'm wiped out the next day.
And then even some bizarre symptoms like irritability, anger.
I literally became someone I didn't know.
But worse than all of it is life was falling apart around me.
I definitely wasn't the husband that my wife needed to me, needed me to be.
And I definitely wasn't the father. And I had two young boys at the time.
I chased him because I was not adapting to any stress at all.
I thought it was my thyroid...
And yes, I was having thyroid symptoms.
My hair was thinning. I was far younger than I am now. And yes, I didn't have energy. I was absolutely cold all the time.
Every symptom I research linked back to my thyroid.
But I ran $5,000 worth of blood work only to find out that it was normal.
I was running all the tests, running around to every doctor I could.
And I knew some darn good ones, and yet I couldn't find answers.
Okay, how did I end up here?
Yes, my story is part of it.
But in that time, it was hard.
My wife crying out to god for answers.
In her prayer time, she heard god speak to her heart that not only was he going to get me well…
But I was going to take a message to the world.
And I'll tell you, that didn't come across great at that time.
I didn't wanna hear that be. What I would say to her.
Exactly is how do you even put that on me? I can't even get myself.
Well, let alone take a message to the world.
And if you knew my wife, you'd realize that she didn't care.
She'd remind me of that every time things got hard.
But I say that just to say that's actually why I'm here….
My wife was right.
It came out of a lot of time of prayer.
It's information that absolutely you haven't heard.
And I know you've done a lot of things…
I'm sure you've changed your diet. I'm sure you've tried different programs, different detox, different hormones, different supplements.
But yet there is a reason why that you still don't feel well despite all those things because you're not crazy.
Trust me. At times I thought I was.
But there is in fact an answer.
It is. I know you've been looking at a lot of different things and a lot of different answers, but there, the solution is at the cell. The real answer to why you still don't feel well, is it the cell.
Chronic Fatigue
Weight Loss Resistance
Brain Fog
Chronic Pain
Thyroid Problems
Autoimmune illness
Adrenal Issues
Hormone Problems
Cold hands and feet
Or Unexplained Mystery Symptoms
Sleep Problems
Thinning Hair
Digestion Problems
Most likely you are someone who's already changed your diet, exercised if you had the energy, takes amazing supplements and you may even be taking bioidentical hormones.
I have taught doctors around the world, as I mentioned, and the public for almost 20 years.
I've helped more than 30,000 people in getting their lives back.
Actively travel the country speaking to thousands.
Most successful virtual online coaching program in the world.
And most importantly, I was you and now I'm called to bring this answer.
Everything that you're going to hear came out of it.
I believe in my heart of hearts, if you made it this far right here, then you're gonna hear your answer. And I pray that's the case.
As I promise, I wanna draw this out for you because I want you to hear why this is different and why you still don't feel, well, let's do it.
And it's the reason why we were pulling out our hair going, what is wrong would happen to my life as I know it?
I'm going draw that out and you're going to understand it better than you've ever heard it before.
I want to start with this…
You may have heard that inflammation is the cause of most chronic diseases, and that is absolutely true.
But this is going to pull it into perspective for you.
I'm not talking about inflammation of the sore shoulder or knee.
I'm talking about cellular inflammation.
Now that's a cell. We have about 50 to 70 trillion of these in our bodies.
When we talk about inflammation, that causes chronic disease.
When cells get inflamed, you can't get the things that we need to function normal and feel good, nutrition into the cell and something worse happens.
We can't get the toxins out of the cell. Yes, toxins that we accumulate.
When we make energy in the place of our cell called the mitochondria…we make this little precious ATP that we need for our brains to work, our digestion to work, all of our hormones work, everything is energy dependent.
When we make energy, we actually make smoke.
Wait, if you will.
The reason I say smoke is think about your fireplace. You're making energy if you don't have the damper over, a smoke pours into the house and kills us, not the flaming.
No different than when a cell is inflamed.
We don't get rid of the toxins and bad things happen.
Obviously, a lot of our bizarre symptoms and lack of energy and irritability, anxiety…
All the weird things that we have or hormone related.
And you may have already tracked it down.
Something's wrong with my hormones…
Something's wrong with my thyroid…
Something's wrong with my estrogen…
Something's wrong with my testosterone…
Something's wrong with my insulin…
Okay, you're right.
But what's not correct is, remember I told you that…
I went to my doctor and got blood work done and I measured every hormone all to be normaL…
Matter of fact, everything I looked at was normal.
So they look at you with that thing that you're crazy, okay?
Just like the hormones can't get their message in the cell.
You have a drop in ATP, which means you have a drop in energy.
I have a saying:
In essence, we have to get to the cause of what's driving the chronic inflammation in most of America and across the globe.
And you know what happens as the cell becomes more and more shut down
in the detox pathway shutdown…
It's called epigenetics.
And yes, your thyroid condition could have been turned on…
Your diabetes, your autoimmune, all of it because this is happening at the cell.
Hang in there because at the end, I'm gonna show you the test that we've been using for years.
It's a simple, accurate to in home test to see if you have cellular inflammation. And it's 50 times actually more accurate than a blood test.
Okay, now also you're going to hear in a moment the causes. You should be asking yourself this question right here. Well, Doctor Pompa, if I have inflammation, what's causing it? That's a good question. We're gonna get into it because the causes and where most practitioners go wrong, they don't get to the cause and they don't get there accurately.
Let's get to it. Let's go.
I've talked about a lot of symptoms…
I talked about hormone problems…
I talked about fatigue…
I talked about brain fog, gut issues…
But it gets more serious…
I'm just gonna give you a couple of examples…
Alzheimer's is crazy right now.
We're seeing Alzheimer's and young kids…
We're seeing dementia starting in 40-year-olds…
I've talked about a lot of symptoms…
I talked about hormone problems…
I talked about fatigue…
I talked about brain fog, gut issues…
But it gets more serious…
I'm just gonna give you a couple of examples…
Alzheimer's is crazy right now.
We're seeing Alzheimer's and young kids…
We're seeing dementia starting in 40-year-olds…
That's one out of three over the age of 65 who are expected to have Alzheimer's.
That's a scary number.
That doesn't even include dementia.
Now, look, here's the scary part.
You know where the studies show that it starts with simple brain fog, forgetfulness
…and it evolves from there.
On the rise…
This one breaks my heart and you probably have heard this…
Children in the United States will be on the autism sepectrum.
Now, you know what they say the reason is genetics.
Do you believe that?
I don't believe it for a minute…
and all these other conditions and symptoms I'm talking about
The same cause is really the link.
Children born after the year of 2000 will have diabetes in his lifetime.
Okay, so, you know, we look at Dimension Alzheimer's and then we put this on top of it.
This is what I want you to see here.
New studies show that it's not just food.
What is it?
What we're talking about specific neurotoxins is the reason why…
Maybe if you have pre-diabetes or diabetes…
You're saying I've changed my diet and yet I still have the condition…
And that's why doctors say you can change your diet won't fix anything…
Because it's not just a diet problem.
It makes it worse.
And it can even be positive…
The big cause, 80% of the time is a specific neurotoxin.
And I wanna be clear…
We're gonna be talking about the very specific neurotoxins that are driving these epidemics that I've already mentioned some of…
I even talked about autoimmune, but it absolutely is one of the fastest-growing epidemics.
And I mentioned this…
This means our own immune systems are driving cellular inflammation…
Or attacking our thyroid cells…
Or attacking our insulin receptors
Driving these conditions like autoimmune and diabetes.
And like I said, I don't feel well because it's attacking our testosterone and estrogen receptors.
Alright, so this is what they say.
This means our own immune systems are driving cellular inflammation…
Or attacking our thyroid cells…
Or attacking our insulin receptors
Driving these conditions like autoimmune and diabetes.
And like I said, I don't feel well because it's attacking our testosterone and estrogen receptors.
Alright, so this is what they say.
This means our own immune systems are driving cellular inflammation…
Or attacking our thyroid cells…
Or attacking our insulin receptors
Driving these conditions like autoimmune and diabetes.
And like I said, I don't feel well because it's attacking our testosterone and estrogen receptors.
Alright, so this is what they say.
This means our own immune systems are driving cellular inflammation…
Or attacking our thyroid cells…
Or attacking our insulin receptors
Driving these conditions like autoimmune and diabetes.
And like I said, I don't feel well because it's attacking our testosterone and estrogen receptors.
Alright, so this is what they say.
So we want think of ourselves as these little buckets…
It gives us a really good understanding of what's going on as our cells are filling up.
Just like in my case, all of a sudden, the bucket overflows and you see the inflammation start.
And once the inflammation starts, here comes the symptoms.
Okay, so back to the real solution.
You might say yourself at this point…
“Dr Pompa, I have done detox products, I've done detox systems, I've done detox programs, 21 day cleanse, I sauna all the time. I've taken Carella, all of it.”
What I'm going to tell you is…
Although those things may not be bad, it's not any way that you're going to get your life back.
No, because none of those get to the cellular issue.
I already told you…
Remember I told you that the talks shut down the detox pathways?
You can try all these different key layers and doing different things.
And like said, all the detoxes that I mentioned, changing the diet…
We will never fix the hormones.
We will never fix our energy pathways.
We will never fix methylation, which gets rid of toxic hormones,
…and we will never shut down autoimmune.
It's impossible.
My passion around this is deep because I was the guy on the other side.
I was the guy looking for answers and going to doctors and then just haphazardly mentioning try this, try that, this, supplement that, supplement this, detox, that detox.
And it made me worse. It didn't make me better.
So that's why I started coaching doctors, because somebody had to tell them the right thing. But now I'm bringing it directly to you.
This answers how we got here with all of these explosions of bizarre diseases.
And remember, this starts with simple fatigue and brain fog and gut problems and leads to these conditions.
They began life exposed to as many as 287 of the 413 toxic chemicals in the study
180 chemicals found are known to cause cancer
Everyone knows, every expert knows it's toxins…
But it's these specific neurotoxins that are accumulating in utero and even worse….
As you're gonna see, it's being inherited even from our parents.
And then our buckets are filling from there.
It's inherited,
Which I call generation toxicity.
These specific toxins are devastating us two ways.
They’re passed from mom to baby. Even worse, they’re passed on for FOUR generations. Meaning if mom had lead, the babies had lead. If mom had mercury, the babies had mercury.
They're transferred epigenetics. This is the new science on genes. That means that if mom's gene is turned on for a thyroid condition, or weight loss resistance, yours may be too.
See these rats? This was a study from Duke University where they took identical twin rats.
They had the same exact DNA, put them in the exact same environment.
And then they exposed one group to a specific toxin that triggered a gene called the agouti gene that made them obese, with a thyroid condition. Their hair turned yellow, dry, brittle, started falling out.
And the sad part is, without exposing the next generation to the chemical, they were still born with the same gene turned on.
Now, the best part of the study that many don't talk about is they did certain things to actually turned the genes off in the next generation. I hope that got your attention.
This is what I've been teaching. I teach something called my 5 R's, which is really all in those studies of how we down-regulate this gene expression.
Whether you grew up during or after the Lead generation, this is most likely a problem for you. I’ll explain:
Lead is inherited in utero from mom to baby - for 4 generations.
Right, so lead is inherited from mom. And just like in that Duke University study I shared a moment ago, it turns on the bad genes.
Let me share some personal proof:
[My wife’s lead levels]
[My son’s lead levels]
All of my biological children ended up with certain gut problems and certain health challenges.
I read a study showing what happens in pregnancy is most lead is stored in the bones. And it's very normal to lose lead during pregnancy.
It made me realize my wife’s lead got passed along to our kids during pregnancy.
Mercury is highly linked to thyroid conditions due to its ability to bind to thyroid cell receptors.
Major sources include silver dental fillings, vaccines, and contact lens saline solution.
It’s brain mercury that is truly the hidden problem.
The amount of fillings in a mother’s mouth is proportional to how much, in autopsy studies, they found in the baby's brain.
Just like with the lead, it starts in utero.
This is how these other neurotoxins are being sent deeper into the brain.
If you aren’t familiar with glyphosate, it's a chemical that's sprayed on nearly our entire food supply. And it makes the problem a whole lot worse.
There’s a 2012 study by Stephanie Senath, a senior scientist at MIT. She showed that this chemical we're all being exposed to makes these neurotoxins we've been exposed to, since birth, or in utero, go DEEPER into our brain, into our cells, into our nervous system.
Think about it: 3 stressors come together and boom, all of a sudden the gene is triggered.
This is where many neurotoxins accumulate…
Obviously, depending on where in the brain they accumulate…
Depending on the symptoms that we get….
But what study shows is many of them accumulate in the center of the brain called the hypothalamus pituitary.
You know what that does?
It controls your thyroid…
It controls your adrenals…
it controls your whole hormone system…
It feeds back to the hypothalamus, and that will tell your pituitary to release more or less.
So that feedback mechanism all starts with the control tower.
Imagine taking out the control tower in an airport..
We'd have planes wrecking everywhere.
Of course, it's important. No different in our body.
Studies are showing in this area is where the mercury particularly accumulates.
Now, here's what I want to show you…
You can't fix your thyroid, your adrenals or your hormone problems…
Unless you deal with where the problem is.
This doesn't get the feedback either, and it can't even regulate your levels.
No wonder you don't feel well.
No wonder you've tried everything and nothing's worked.
Look, my brain phase is actually what I'm known for.
I have to believe this…
I said this earlier, that I've got sick to learn it…
To get these neurotoxins, whether it be mold, hidden infections…
Even about specific heavy metals because it's done so wrong in our space.
But understand neurotoxins in the brain and we will assess you for mold, hidden infections and all these things.
Potentially, as you will see from utero…
The time we are born, enter into the brain.
And if we don't get them out correctly and safely, you're never gonna get your life back.
You're gonna learn it.
My brain face is the key.
Obviously, it's how I got my life back…
But it's the key of how you're going to get your life back.
The amount of fillings, the number of fillings in your mouth is proportional to how much mercury they found on autopsy studies in the baby's brain.
So when we wanna see where this starts accumulating…
In me, it started in utero.
I was getting the mercury from my mother's filings.
And again, it's proportional to how many fillings they have in their mouth.
Pretty scary.
Dementia now striking people in their 40s as mercury from vaccines causes slow, degenerative brain damage.
But we're getting it from all the sources.
We can't just blame one source.
It's accumulating in utero, from womb to the tomb.
Mild fatigue
Mercury Symptor
Eyelid, face, or muscle twitching Digestive issues
Constipation and or diarrhea Frequent bad breath
Constant body odor
Sensitivity to sound
Inability to concentrate (Brain Fog)
Bost are brain related)
Abnormal menses
Low body temperature Cold hands and feet
Tender teeth
Tinnitus (Ringing in the ears) Insomnia
Metallic taste in the mouth Nail fungus
Unexplained Anger
Autoimmune response
How many symptoms do you have there?
Take a look at that.
I had them all. I had every bit of these…
Mild fatigue
Mercury Symptor
Eyelid, face, or muscle twitching Digestive issues
Constipation and or diarrhea Frequent bad breath
Constant body odor
I had every one of those symptoms.
How many symptoms do you have there?
You think it could get worse? It does.
This generation is what we call the glyphosate generation.
This is how these other neurotoxins are being sent deeper into the brain.
If you aren’t familiar with glyphosate, it's a chemical that's sprayed on nearly our entire food supply. And it makes the problem a whole lot worse.
There’s a 2012 study by Stephanie Senath, a senior scientist at MIT. She showed that this chemical we're all being exposed to makes these neurotoxins we've been exposed to, since birth, or in utero, go DEEPER into our brain, into our cells, into our nervous system.
She believes it's leading to autoimmune diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer's…
And she has proven that now in many papers.
Where are we getting it from?
Everything that we're eating.
Everything… is loaded with glyphosate.
We can't get the good stuff in ourselves…
We can't get the bad stuff out…
Our hormones aren't connecting to our cells…
It doesn't matter if we take them. It doesn't matter our diet changes.
Every one of the hormones that make us feel normal energy, every bit of it… is the problem.
It's not my opinion.
So what is it and why does it cause hypothyroid?
When “inflammation becomes chronic rather than transitory (meaning it’s temporary)… the body turns on itself - with after effects that seem to underlie a wide variety of diseases.”
Take This 30-second Neurotoxic Quiz
Unusual Weight Gain/Loss
Cognitive Issues
Sleep Deprivation and Insomnia
Unstable Mood and Behavior
Thinning Hair and/or Hair Loss
Frequent Headaches
Inexplicable Body Aches
Skin Problems
Look over this list. How many do you experience?
5 out of these 10?
You are toxic
8 out of these 10?
Most likely severely Neurotoxic illness
10 out of 10?
Your health is severely compromised and serious health condition
So let me give you that answer right now:
You need to remove the source. If the problem’s at the cell, the answer’s at the cell.
This is from a Facebook post that his coach actually posted for him.
All the symptoms I said, right. Thyroid issues, fungal issues.
Well, this is the best part. How is he feeling now?
That's him in the picture because he climbed this 14,000 foot mountain…
So look, we have hundreds of these posts and if I didn't put them in.. we have far more than that.
This is the test here.
We need to start if we're gonna look at neurotoxic illness.
It drives cellular inflammation, the No. 1 cause..
Yes, dietary issues can cause it…
But the number one cause is toxins.
In fact, 50 times more accurate than a blood test.
I wanna say this right now, and I always love telling people this…
Most of the population, unfortunately is a 97%.
That means that we focus on our fears. We don't take the steps needed to get our life back, right?
3%ers are the people who change the world.
3%ers are the people who make a decision…
Despite the fears, despite the doubts, they just do it…
3%ers are people, they say, who change the world….
3%ers are the people who like, get over something uncurable like cancer.
But, you know, with the study show, and I love quoting this is.
3%ers as they looked at people who like.
So why did you, you know, make that decision?
And they said “I don't know. I just made the decision.”
I tell you that because I see this happen all the time…
I believe you are here…
You're prayed here…
Somehow you belong to be here today to get your life back.
But you still have to make the decision…
I believe right now that is just a simple decision for you to do…
I hope you think that I have the answer at this point,
I'll give you one more testimony…
This is a Facebook post by Donna.
Six months later here I am - pain free, prescription free, 40 pounds of weight lost - the easiest I’ve ever done it. I am more active now than I have been in over 20years. I do Pilates three times a week and go spinnning as well as other things for fun. I’m not dont.
What I really want to sa, is this... This changed my life! I should say, I got my life back! I feel so much better and my body workds the way it’s supposed to now and that’s the most important thing!
I just got this this week… actually, the beginning of the week.
Donna, you're a 3%ers…
Just like you…
She made a decision. She watched a training just like this.
I'm not going to charge you that today.
You'll meet with one of my personally-trained experts who will assess the cause of your cellular dysfunction, and your thyroid problem.
Doesn't matter where you live either, because this will take place either on Zoom or over the phone.
This is your first step because it’s crucial we know whether your cells are inflamed.
You can complete this test from the comfort of your own home. It’s 50x more accurate than a blood test and within minutes you’ll find whether inflammation may be the cause of your chronic symptoms.
Fill the provided plastic cup with urine
Transfer a half-dropper full to glass vial
Wait 2 minutes and compare the color to the color chart in the kit
After coaching hundreds of doctors and thousands of people around the world, I developed this comprehensive assessment.
It’s been honed and refined over the past 20 years and is highly-accurate in identifying the role toxins are playing in your symptoms.
It’s crucial you take this assessment because it’s going to be instrumental in getting you well.
“I am able to fold the laundry without my shoulders hurting. I’m able to lift my hands when I’m worshiping in church. I’m able to go biking again, surfing again, hiking again, swimming again, etc. …
It has already been LIFE-CHANGING.
Coming from not knowing how many days you’d have left to feeling like you have your life back.”
"Dr. Dan Pompa is considered to be an icon in the alternative health and wellness industry, traveling across the country educating practitioners, chiropractic docs and the general public on the root causes of inflammation driven diseases such as Weight Loss Resistance, Hypothyroid, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autoimmune Disorders and other chronic conditions. He's especially smart and well-educated when it comes to fasting, ketosis and detoxification"
"I personally enjoy intermittent fasting with healthy fats, moderate protein and low carbs. This has been extensively studied and suggested for improving energy levels and focus and is something I learned from my close friend and health coach, Dr. Dan Pompa."
Cellular Health Analysis ($297.00 value)
Meta-Oxy Test ($99.00 value)
Neurotoxicity Assessment ($99.00 value)
That’s a $495 value.
Which if it’d put you on track to getting well, it’d be more than worth it.
This is my favorite part. This is a saying, Rak Chazak Amats.
Those are Hebrew words that in the Bible are simply translated in English, be strong and courageous.
But the Hebrews so much stronger than that…
Every time somebody or even the country of Israel is about to step into a promise…
or anybody for that matter… Even Solomon.
God would speak Rak Chazak Amats through somebody…
Which really meant that…
I know you're fearful because as Israel, as an example…
They crossed the Jordan, all they saw was 31 armies…
All they saw were reasons not to step in the exact promise that god had for them…
And they were focused on their fear.
But God, through Joshua, spoke Rak Chazak Amats, Israel.
What it really means is…
“I've got it. I've beat back the enemy.”
“Every fear you have, I've got it. It's not your strength, it's my strength.”
So I speak Rak Chazak Amats to you…